About ten minutes ago, E premiered Lady Gaga and Beyonce's nine minute music video for their song, "Telephone."Gaga said during an interview on E, "Most predominately i am trying to convolute what people think a pop music video is." It was a very risque video which began with Gaga being stripped in a jail cell full of half naked inmates. While Gaga steps out into the yard of the jail wrapped in chains, she receives a call from Beyonce. Then featured is a dance around the jail cell with beer cans wrapped in Gaga's hair. Beyonce then arrives to pick up Gaga from jail where they then pull up at a diner. After poisoning Beyonce's "boyfriend," Beyonce and Gaga begin to poison the entire restaurant. The video ends in a very "Thelma and Louise" style with the two driving off in a car together. In my opinion, the video was very random. There were some cool parts with interesting graphics, but overall, I was not a fan of it. I can't uplad the video as of now, but check it out and let me know what you think.
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
The Issue of Capital Punishment
In class we have been discussing the horrible act of lynching. This relates to the issue of capital punishment that we are dealing with in our society today. Capital Punishment is an issue that I feel very strongly about. We always hear about how if somebody commits a crime, they should be killed. Well, I completely disagree with this. How is this teaching the person who committed the crime any better? Yes, what the criminal did is absolutely horrible, but why do to them what they have done? How is this helping our society? Last month I was watching the news with my parents in my hometown of Covington. They announced that a man would be killed the next day for a crime he had committed a couple of years ago. Although I hated to hear that he had murdered his daughter, is killing him in return any better? I couldn't believe that this was still being done in the 21st century. I hope that one day in our near future the act of capital punishment will be illegal. I think this will help our society change for the better.
capital punishment,
death row,
death sentence,
Monday, March 8, 2010
The Hilarious Kristen Wiig
My ALL TIME favorite show is Saturday Night Live. I have to admit that I have been watching it since I was pretty young (even though half of what the skits meant went way over my head). SNL has entertained audiences for 35 seasons. Popular actors such as Will Ferrel, Tina Fey, Molly Shannon, Andy Samberg, etc...became famous because of their hilarious sketches on SNL. But, cast member Kristen Wiig has become one of the best they have ever had! If you are familiar with SNL, you know exactly who she is. Wiig has become famous for her characters Penelope, Gilly, a highly mischievous schoolgirl; Sue, who can't control her excitement over surprises, and The Target Lady. She has also played real-life people such as Suze Orman, Nancy Pelosi, Elizabeth from "The View," and Kathy Lee Gifford. If you are not familiar with some of Kristen's sketches, please take the time to look them up! Here is one of my favorites:
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