Monday, April 12, 2010

What is music turning into?

I don't know about you, but I am getting sick of some of the music on the radio. I feel like I am constantly changing the station because I am not satisfied with most of the songs. What happened to real musicians who wrote their own songs and could ACTUALLY SING? Don't get me wrong, I do think that there are still talented artists who can really sing, but for the most part, I think musicians nowadays are really not talented artists. One in particular that really bothers me is new artist, Kesha. The first song I heard from her was Tik Tok. How this song reached number one on the charts, I don't know? I feel like all she is doing in her music is speaking in an annoying voice. I really felt strongly about this when I saw her perform live on American Idol. It was even worse live! Now, this is all my opinion, and I don't mean to offend any of her fans. But, I would really like to know your opinions on Kesha and her music.


  1. I agree, of course she cant sing but something about her brought her to number one. Her music, to me, isn't about vocal talent. I really don't know what I would classify her music as? I question if this can even be considered music haha. But I guess I have to give her kudos for becoming so popular and successful.

  2. yeah, I agree! I guess if you have the body and the looks you can make it haha!

  3. I totally agree with you on this one. It's insane. I don't think Keisha should be on the radio. At first I couldn't make up my mind about her, until I saw her on American Idol. The fact that a artist like her is on a show that is supposed to be finding the best SINGER around kind of disturbs me. I guess that just what the world has come too. But Charlotte if you really want to find good wholesome music that you can count on at least being good singers you should really turn to country lol. so serious

  4. Kesha is awful. I think she is an insult to Lady GaGa, in my opinion. I love Lady GaGa and I think all Kesha is doing is trying to copy. I dont think its really fair for those who have talent and cant make it in the industry.
